JSC Altai Machine-Building Company is valve manufacturing Plant. You can buy valve different types: industrial valve, pressure-reducing desuperheating station, cooling valve and other manufactured in accordance with ANSI, ASME, ASTM, DIN standards
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Data sheets of pressure-reducing desuperheating station, of stop valves, of regulating valves
JSC Altai Machine-Building Company manufactures the entire product line of pipeline elements of medium and high parameters for thermal power plants.
We produce: stop valves types: 1c, 1057,1053, 589, 999, 1055, 1052, 1512, 1456, 588, 998, 1054
gate valves types: 2c, 1156,1017, 887, 850, 1123, 1015, 1013, 883, 881, 963, 884, 885, 1120, 1012, 882, 880, 1126, 1016, 1511, 1533, 1010 check valves types: 3c, 4c, 843, 935, 720, 912, 1273, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1506, 1507, 1524
safety valves 7c
pulse valves 8с, pulse valves 112, pulse valves 586
regulating disk valves, regulating rotary valves 6c
regulating needle valves types: 9c, 10c, 11c, 18c, 751, 1033, 976, 1086, 584, 1032, 1084, 970, 992, 879, 1194, 1198, 1436, 1038, 1192, 1464, 1416, 1438, 1521, 1522, 1523
main safety valves types: 7c, 875, 392, 1029, 969, 530, 1202, 1203, 1204, 111, 694
trottle control valves types: 808, 1197, 1085, 995, 811, 1087, 977, 597, 1031, 815, 1193, 1233, 993, 1157, 533
butterfly valves
quick-release valves 950
pressure-reducing desuperheating stations
mesh filters, electric drives
All news
Women's Day at AMK
Congratulations to our employees
Modernization of AMK production
Photos from the factory
A canteen has been opened at the AMK plant
Hot meals provided for employees
Shipment of stop valves
Medium pressure gate valves and shut-off valves
PRDS with a capacity of 65 tons per hour
Pressure-reduction stations on frame
New equipment appeared at the plant
Expansion of the vehicle fleet of JSC AMK
New machines at the factory
Updating the machine park
АМК celebrated turning 18
The holiday event took place at the factory
Supply of PRDS and fast-response PRDS
for an energy facility in the Siberian region
Today is Mechanical Engineering Day
Horizontal Boring machine
New equipment in the AMK production shop
Stop and check valve
Gate valves 2c and check valves 4c delivered to the customer