+7 (3852) 500-397, 500-393

Altai Machine-Building Company

Select equipment


Valve type

Dn (diameter)

Pn (pressure)

Т°С (temperature)

Data sheets of pressure-reducing desuperheating station, of stop valves, of regulating valves


Destignation Dn, mm Pp, MPa T, С° Kvy, m3/h F, cm2 Estimated discharge Connection to pipeline Body material, steel Weight, kg
788-400/600-0-02 400/600 0,35 45 452 0,5 flange 20 1082

Main safety valves are manufactured in accordance with Technical Specification ТУ 3742-002-79315310-2007.

Main safety valve 788-400/600-0-02 Picture

Main safety valves are a basic part of the pulse-safety device used to provide safety operation of equipment and systems of the thermal power plant and prevent from overpressure of the working medium.

Main safety valve 788-400/600-0-02 Picture

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