Disk Valve - Block-type pressure-reducing
desuperheating station - Desuperheating station
Casted and welded / forged and welded valve bodies
JSC Altai Machine-Building Company
offers replacement of the casted valve
bodies with the casted
and welded / forged and
welded valve bodies.
High-pressure gate valve bodies DN100-350 are manufactured by means of electroslag remelting of steel followed by crystallazation in the centrifugal moulds and automatic flux welding. The casted products differ in composite crystalic grid, high density, absence of any internal and external defects, non-metal inclusions or slag. All valve bodies are subject to 100% ultrasonic check and radiographic test. Quality and characteristics of such castings are highly competitive to those of the pressed metal components. This production method is distinguished by absence of any hidden defects (holes, shells) and long-term service life of the product.
Medium-pressure gate valve bodies DN80-300 PN6.3-10.0 MPa have forged and welded bodies, which allows for improved metal durability and density, prevents from the defects, and finally grants the extended service life of the product.
Top priorities of development of new valve models:
Extension of lifetime of the gate valve elements (spindle, spool, disk, seat) by use of plasma building-up welding of the working surfaces. E.g., wire 20Х13 is conventionally used for building-up welding of the sealing surfaces of the valve disk and seat (manufactured by OJSC Sibenergomash). But we use electrodes ЦН-6Л, and such metal is 3 times erosion-resistant than wire 20Х13
Transition from the casted bodies to the welded bodies that are different in enhanced metal structure, absence of pockets and shells, less metal consumption
Development of full-flow bodies for stop valves
Enhanced spraying of cooling water due to steam power; increased number of injectors; nozzles with load-dependent alternating flow characteristics
Enhanced ergonomics