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AMK has expanded its product range
Certificates of compliance with GOST R (№ РОСС RU.AB72.B00635, № РОСС RU.AB72.B00636) for pipeline valves on high parameters:
— regulating valves types 870, 976, 1084,1086 ect.,
— throttle valves types 808, 1085, 1087, 1233, 1157 ect.,
— quick-release valves types 950
— stop valves types 1052-1057, 588-589, 998-999 ect.,
— gate valves types 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1307, 880-883, 885-887, 1120, 1123 ect,.
— check valves types 912, 935, 1273.
Validity of certificates - until May 2013.